
Celebration for the Three Successful Bids in June

2014-01-26 / 2723

    Through the joint efforts of all employees, our companywon three successful bids in June 2011; therefore this month is a celebrating,outstanding and successful month for our company.     
    On June 8, 2011, the company successfully won the bid Rehabilitation Works for the First Section of Jiaozhou BayExpressway (urban section) Widening and Improvement and Traffic Diversion Project,the bidding price is 6,762,882.22 Yuan. During the process of Jiaozhou BayExpressway widening, a north to south two-way (two-lane) temporary road will be constructed in the east of Jiaozhou Bay, which works as adiversion road to ease traffic jams. The First Section (Section between Yichangand Ruichang Road)of the road plays an important role for diversion of seaside traffic. The mainworks for this project consist of removal of pavement layers, sidewalks androad kerbs; cement stabilized gravel spreading; asphalt concrete laying; and sidewalksand kerbs installation.

    On June16, 2011, the company successfully wonanother bid Third Section of WaterProject for Agricultural Comprehensive Development and Land Management in Pingdu City,the bidding price is 3,492,840 yuan. ZhangsheTown Section of this project includes 14 villages, such as Gaojia, Fujia etc.New bridge and culvert works include seven slab bridges; eight stone archbridges; nineteen pipe culverts; six storage pools excavation; 28 wells andwell houses; 28 pump units installation; 350 meters reinforced concrete pipedrains; 160 meters masonry culvert; 18,400 meters ditches excavation anddredging; 15,800 meters 110mmdiameter plastic pipe purchasing and installation; 158 hydrant setting; 13,800meters cable; 700 meters high-voltage transmission line; 100KVA transformer and7 sets of ancillary electrical equipment installation; 7 new transformer houses;1 new sign boards; drains dredging, slope excavation, cofferdam, drainage andearthworks during dredging and storage pool excavation. This is our first projectin Pingdu city, and also the first water project for our company, which notonly opens up new markets outside Qingdaocity, but lays the foundation for the company to enter into new fields.
    On June 22, 2011, the company successfully Third Section of Flood Prevention andLandscaping of Fushan Arts Ecological Park (first phase of comprehensivetreatment), the bidding price is 20,851,835 yuan. The project is located innorth of Fushan community, east of Taoyuan Village, south of Yinchuan Road,east of Software Technology Park. Based on existing gullies and drainage works,seven river systems will be constructed. The contents of the project includedredging, seepage, slope protection etc. As a part of the project, flooddrainage work plays the role of collecting the converged rainwater in thegullies or discharge into river systems through drains along main roads, thisalso prevents road and blocks from rain wash. The works include side drains, drainage ditches, masonry ditch under theroad. This is the first water system project, which helps us to gain biddingand construction management experience for similar projects in the future. Followingthe slogan "create a civilized city, welcome Horticultural Expo, working200 days" to beautify the city, Fushan Arts Ecological ParkProject is listed as one of the main project. The successful bidding of theproject improves image of the company and explores the way to new projects inother fields.  
    The successful bidding of three projects is the joint efforts of all staff inthe company. In spite of lacking staff, the complication of tender process, shortageof bidding duration, and many other unfavorable conditions, under theleadership of Marketing Department and correct guidance, we convened thepre-bidding meeting and took measures to tackle all the problems relevant tosite inspection, negotiation, personnel arrangement etc. Some personnelinvolved in the bidding worked at the expense of their weekends and somereturned form other cities, and finally through mutual cooperation, jointefforts, we won the bids. We expect the further cooperation of our staff; hopeproject personnel make rational organization during construction and work in accordancewith the requirements to ensure timely completion and successful acceptance.